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Modular tool for
Generative Graphics

New on Vsynth

How to get

Vsynth is a series of modules that build together a generative graphics lab within Max. The perfect tool to introduce you to video-synthesis and image processing and also to video-tool design, vector-synthesis and more when connected to other software and hardware. Download through the Package Manager and start creating engaging visuals in real time! Happy Patching!


Explore techniques that depart from analogue computing and audio synthesizers created by experimental video artists and engineers from the late 60.

Real-time Image Processing

Process live camera feeds or Syphon/Spout servers and create custom image-processing effects.


Explore non-linear dynamics and spontaneous pattern formation.

Vector Graphics

Connect through an audio-interface or a VGA-BNC connector to an analogue oscilloscope to do raster-scan processing and vector-synthesis.

Hardware Integration

Easily connect a MIDI or custom Arduino controller to explore video-tool design.

Max for Live

Create your own Max for Live devices and run your patches within Ableton Live.

Product Design

In tandem with other software and hardware you can easily translate your designs to other mediums such as dye sublimation, laser engraving, pen plotting and others.

The Community

Since 2016, Vsynth has been used and supported by other creatives, educators, tinkerers, institutions and others, forging a world wide community through workshops & meetups that energized participants to pursue a career on the intersection of art and technology.

Community Works

About The Creator

Kevin Kripper (Buenos Aires, 1991) is a generative artist whose work addresses a wide variety of topics, technologies and aesthetics. Some of these works have been exhibited and awarded at both art and science festivals. Since 2012, he has been developing digital tools that expand the creative possibilities of experimental artists from all over the world.